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Weight Loss

The journey to your healthy weight can take a number of paths. At The Hills Weight Loss & Reflux Clinic, we can tailor an individual plan for you. Depending on your situation, your plan may include diet and lifestyle changes, consultation with a psychologist, or bariatric surgery.

The benefits of weight loss


Your health

Being overweight increases your risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, cancer, sleep apnoea, arthritis and many other serious health issues.


Your kids

Spend more time with your children and help them with more activities. You won’t get this time again.


Your fertility

Losing weight can dramatically increase your chances of having a baby. This applies to male fertility as well.


Your happiness

Feel better. Buy nicer clothes. Improve your social life. Being overweight can degrade your general happiness and well being.

Weight loss options

Many people have found that they simply do not have the ability to lose weight by themselves. The expert surgeons at The Hills Weight Loss & Reflux Clinic alter your stomach to reduce your body’s ability to gain weight.

The Hills Weight Loss & Reflux Clinic has allied health practitioners in the fields of nutrition and exercise to help you change your lifestyle.

Patterns of bad eating may arise from events in your past. Talking to one of the psychologists at The Hills Weight Loss & Reflux Clinic can address the underlying reasons for poor habits.

There are a number of prescription medicines that can have a beneficial effection on weight loss.

Dr Lorenzo is happy to discuss this option with you.